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Michelle’s Experience in Alicante, Spain

What attracts you to living in Alicante? Do you recommend it? What's it like?

Alicante is perfect to live. There is a great climate all year round, the people are friendly (in general, there are obviously exceptions), but the best thing is how close the city is to the beach.

Michelle’s Experience in Alicante, Spain


What's the student lifestyle like in Alicante?

Really good, there are parties nearly every week and around the university there are all kinds of accommodation for students, from flat shares to student accommodation and they all range in price.

How much does it cost to live in Alicante?

It is very subjective depending on where you choose to live. It will be around 400-600 euros to rent and for your food and transport. It varies depending on the area.

What’s the country’s food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The Mediterranean diet is the best.

The paellas in Terreta are the best!

What places do you recommend visiting in Alicante?

San Juan beach, the old town, the old town of Santa Cruz (in Easter week), the Explanada, the old town in the centre of Alicante, the port, Maisonavenida (the road where the shops are) and the parks like El Palmeral.

Michelle’s Experience in Alicante, Spain


What about eating out in Alicante? What are your favourite places?

Sento, Lizarran, Pintxo Kalea, Garaje Bar, La terreta, Cesar Anca - there is lots of variety and all at different prices.

Where do you recommend for nightlife in Alicante?

The old town (El Barrio) until 4am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. In the afternoon I recommend Castaños street on Saturdays. I also recommend the area of San Juan on Sunday afternoons.

In summer I recommend the beach bars on the beach and Texaco.

Michelle’s Experience in Alicante, Spain


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