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Erasmus in Alicante

Published by flag-gr Danai Spentzou — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Alicante, Alicante, Spain

Erasmus in Alicante

Without any doubt, everyone that had participated in the Erasmus program will say that it was one of the best moments of his or her life. It is an unforgettable experience that provides numerous benefits. For me, the destination was Spain, and specifically the sunny city of Alicante ( "la ciudad del sol" as we could say).

Erasmus in Alicante

Few words about the city

The locals, the environment can make you feel at home, while the weather could not be better. The winter only lasts a couple of days, while the sun lightens the sky every day. It is amazing walking at the city center and in only a few minutes being able to escape at the sea. "Playa del Postiguet" is right next to the port of Alicante, and it is always a destination whether it is November or May.

Castillo de Santa Barbara

The castle of Alicante "Castillo de Santa Barbara" was my favorite place in the city. Within 15 minutes of walking or jogging, you could reach the top and visit the castle. You can explore and learn about the history of Alicante, or just admire the speechless view, especially during the sunset, where the light blue of the sky becomes pink and the sea is deep blue with orange and yellow sparkles from the sun and the city lights. I've always enjoyed visiting the castle. I could clear up my thoughts and relax.

Erasmus in Alicante

Mercado Central

Every city in Spain has a central market called "Mercado central". During my Erasmus, I have also visited the markets in Barcelona, Valencia, Murcia, and Granada, and I can say that although some of them were very beautiful and they had amazing products and a huge variety, I loved the "Mercado central" of Alicante. The building was beautiful and it was organized on different levels, therefore, it was definitely the most practical one. I loved buying meat from there because you could find the highest quality local meats at very good prices, as well as try some Spanish dishes with the local product that was of course "el Jamon".

Every Saturday out of the market people were gathered to participate in a unique experience. It is about the "Tardeo". From early in the morning until late in the afternoon, people of different ages, and especially the older ones, were starting to drink beers or wine and eat "tapas" (the Spanish typical snack) that there were buying from the market. Everyone was cheerful and almost drunk. People were dancing and singing and when this was over they continued drinking in the pubs until late at night. I haven't seen anything like that before, it was amazing.

UA-University of Alicante

For me, one of the most important reasons why someone should choose to do his Erasmus in Alicante is the University. I was pleasantly surprised when I first visited the university campus. It is huge, full of palm trees and flowers, green areas to walk, to study or just "absorb" the sun, and also lakes and fountains where you could find cute little ducks. literally, it was my happy place.

Erasmus in Alicante

Furthermore, the classes were fully equipped, the library was big and sunny with huge windows, you enjoy studying there. And there is also a library in the center of the city.

In the campus, you could participate in many activities and you could join any sport you like since they have the facilities for everything. For Example, I had the pleasure to play fencing. The coach was amazing and we organized some games, it was fascinating.

Erasmus in Alicante

What is the most important

Choosing to do your Erasmus in Alicante, or generally in Spain, I think it is one of the best choices since you can meet not only Erasmus students from other European countries but also students from all over the world, that want to learn Spanish ( I had a lot of Chinese friends), or students from countries that have Spanish as native langue ( Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay etc. ). Plus at the University of Alicante and many other Universities in Spain you can choose to have your lessons in Spanish or in English, therefore you can practice your English or learn Spanish.

Last comments

Erasmus was definitely one of the best moments of my life. I made new friends from different countries, and we are still keeping in touch. They visited my country and I am going to visit theirs. I had the chance to visit many cities in Spain, learn about Spanish culture try the local cuisine and ameliorate my Spanish. I am really happy I chose the city of Alicante..!

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