Elodie Martinet
- Current city:
- Louvain-la-Neuve
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
Elodie activity
to share a flat from the 19 of January to June
HY! I'm still looking for a flat to share with some others Erasmus. I will go to study at Università Degli Studi Di Milano. I thought I will take a room at a youth hostels the frist days while I will search about an accomodation. I come from Belgium and that will be...
in Roommates Milan, 11 years ago -
Erasmus Milano 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hy!! I'm Elodie, an Erasmus Girl who comes form Belgium. I go to Milano from January to June at Università Degli Study di Milano. I come with a friend and we search for a youth hostel to stay until we find an accomodation for 5 months. If you know a great youth...
por Elodie en Erasmus forum Milan -
Expérience dans Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique par Elodie
Comment t’a semblé la ville de Louvain-la-Neuve pour y vivre? La recommandes-tu? Comment est la ville? C'est une ville faite pour les étudiants. Elle est piétonne pour la plus grande partie et la gare comme les magasins et parcs sont accessibles à pied. Les...
Erasmus Milano 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hi everyone! My name is Elodie, I will go to Milan this second quadrimester. From Januari to June. I'm belgian student and I would like to know if someone has found a collocation for this year in Milan? Because I don't know where to do my research to find a kot or...
por Elodie en Erasmus forum Milan