ellen young
- Current city:
- Nanjing Jiangsu
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
ellen activity
Erasmus Experience in Nanjing, China by ellen
Why did you choose to go to Nanjing, China? because i college in china which is in nanjingHow long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? the scholarship that i get is when i turn my second year of college until i graduate . the...
A 19 years old girl with a pet looking for a job at nanjing while study
I'm Ellen from Indonesia. I'm 19 years old . I'm a college student at china which is nanjing. I try my best for all job . I can speak English and Chinese cause I'm studying Chinese language. The reason why I need find job cause I want to have experience and also I want...
in Roommates Nanjing, 5 years ago