Cindy Chang
- Current city:
- Seattle
- City of birth:
- Taipei
- Host university:
- Home university:
Cindy activity
Erasmus Students 2014/2015 University College London
Hi there. I'll be studying business in UCL form mid-Sep of this year to late June of next year. Still waiting for UCL accomodation but would love to buddy up with someone who's interested in sharing a flat. PM me if interested, thanks!
por Cindy en Erasmus forum London -
Erasmus London 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hi guys- My name is Cindy, I'm 20 and will be studying business in UCL in year 2014/15. I'm actually looking for a flatmate right now if you're interested, please PM me!! Nice to meet ya'll.
por Cindy en Erasmus forum London