Carles Martínez

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flag-fi Finland

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flag-es Carles Martínez

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Carles activity

  • Experience

    Discovering FINLAND

    I am carles, born in valencia and currently doing my erasmus in helsinki, finland. I will tell you about what has been my erasmus experience in this beautiful city and country to this day. I arrived on august 10 at helsinki airport with all my bags where i had obviously...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Helsinki 2017 / 2018 (Español)

    Hola! :D yo estudio telecomunicaciones en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y el curso 2017-2018 estaré al completo en Aalto-yliopisto. Me apunto a lo del grupo de whats si os animáis. Se aceptan compañeros/as para planificar desde el principio viajes de...

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