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Discovering FINLAND

Published by flag-es Carles Martínez — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fi Erasmus experiences Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

I am carles, born in valencia and currently doing my erasmus in helsinki, finland. I will tell you about what has been my erasmus experience in this beautiful city and country to this day.

I arrived on august 10 at helsinki airport with all my bags where i had obviously packed all my camping gear and climbing equipment, I wanted to take advantage of the good weather of the summer to make some trips before i started college here. I like photography and i'll be attaching photos of the places i've been. all photos are mine with my canon 100d and with different lenses that i have.

central station helsinki:

discovering finland

The day i arrived was a sunny day in helsinki and i made the first visit to soumenlinna, a unesco heritage island which can be reached by ferry from helsinki:

discovering finland

discovering finland

After that visit to the island and realize that the true tourist value of this city (and country) is its nature, I decided to plan trips without stopping. From the 12th of august until the last weekend i have not stopped, I have also visited the city, I have been partying... But i prefer that you know better of those natural places in which i have been and that i have fallen in love.

These are some of the photos i made the first few days in the city:

discovering finland

discovering finland

In the first days i also visited the island of meilhati, where i was surprised by a fox that was walking around like 10 minutes around me and i got some good pictures of him

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

As i have told you, I have been taking great advantage of traveling in the south of the country.


discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland


discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

Even boarding the ferry to cross the baltic sea and pay a visit to tallinn:

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

The next target was porvoo, a small town east of helsinki. My intention was to camp outside the village to see the stars and something magical happened

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

I was able to see aurora borealis (northern lights) for the first time in my life! I did not expect it, but i had the camera and the tripod with the intention of being able to photograph the stars

Discovering FINLAND

After that i was still more convinced that i wanted to continue my travels by carrying my tent, sleeping bag and hammock. I went to nuuksio national park, near helsinki where i was hiking for two days, enjoying the spectacular campfires, lakes, and sunsets.

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

The following weeks i continued camping again for tampere, porvoo and without fail to visit again islands like meilahti and other parks in helsinki, where i have had more meetings with animals like these two friendly birds that wanted something to eat

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Another visit that left me even more in love was the trip to repovesi national park, a beautiful place difficult to reach by public transport. But it is very worth going. I had the tremendous luck that a local who had a house in the area gave me a free tour of the lake with his boat! Amazing place and nature:

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

discovering finland

And finally (for now... ), a trip i made back to repovesi national park, but to a northern area called olhava which is the mecca of the rock climbing in finland. Amazing place, amazing rock (granite) and amazing moments doing what i like the most: climbing.

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

Discovering FINLAND

And as always... Once again the nights in finland surprised me with this perfect view of the milky way over the olhava lake!

Discovering FINLAND

I hope you enjoyed this post and above all that this post encourages you to make this type of travels. The party and the conventional trips are very good and should not be left aside, but knowing how to combine with these experiences is the best gift you can do to yourselves.

And i finish my post leaving the phrase that has marked me the most and has taught me in my life:

"look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better. "


Discovering FINLAND

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