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Erasmus Experience in Helsinki, Finland by Beatriz

Published by flag-es Beatriz Báez Gómez — 5 years ago

2 Tags: flag-fi Erasmus experiences Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Why did you choose to go to Helsinki, Finland?

I am a teacher so It is known that Finnish education is the best in Europe so I decided to go to Helsinki in order to improve my English but l also to see how they work with children.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I came the first of August and I will come back to Spain the 16th of December, so 4 months and a half. I don´t know exactly how much money I will receive but approximately about 1000/1200 euros in total.

What is the student lifestyle like in Helsinki?

There are a lot of parties and also trips to San Petersburgo, Copenague. .. They organise a lot of boats parties and they have some discounts in museums, etc.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Helsinki to other students?

You learn a lot of things but you defenitely have to be aware of the weather, the food and the ood. They are really shy and cold, the weather is also cold and really dark and cloudy but they spend a lot of time inside the shoppping centres and cafes and they are so cool.

What is the food like?

If we compare Spanish food with Finnish food, I would choose hundred of times Spanish food. Vegetables and fruits don´t taste really well and is so expensive but you can find a lot of cheap supermarkets and sweets are awesome!


Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Helsinki?

Absolutely. I was looking for it really hard for more than two months and I would recommend you to look for it carefully. If you look for it on Facebook, be careful, they can lie at you so my advice is not to pay in advance, see photos and write a detail contract if you rent a flat.

How much does it cost to live in Helsinki?

I share my appartament with another person in total are 800 euros per month but I pay 400 euros. We life in the outskirts although is a really relaxing place to life and the public transport is not really expensive per month and take me to the city centre really easily.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Helsinki from your city?

I tokk two planes. Is really expensive but if you book them wth time is better (I would recommend Norweigan).


Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Helsinki?

I´ve been in a club called "Aussie" it was really good and also "Kallio" is really famous but it depends of the kind of music you like.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Helsinki?

This is up to you. I didn´t try "Finnish traditional food" because I always looked for the cheapest one so I ate in Italian, Japanesse or American places but really cool.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

I really loved the Russian cathedral, the White cathedral, "Cafe Regatta (is the most beautiful and famous cafe in Helsinki with traditional sweets), and also the port with their amazing outdoor swimming pools and saunas.


Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Helsinki in the future?

Save a lot of money, but it will worth it, you learn a lot of different things and you find yourself!

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Comments (2 comments)

  • flag-it Flavia De Vito 7 years ago

    I, I would like to do the same experience (I'm an Italian teacher), which was the name of the Finnish school?

  • flag-es Beatriz Báez Gómez 7 years ago

    It was the International School of Helsinki.Do you need any information about the city, the school...?

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