Bethany Parker

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Following these universities

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Bethany activity

  • Roommate

    Busco compañeros/as amicables en Sevilla

    Llegaré en Sevilla al final de Septiembre y busco gente sociable, amicable y divertido/a con quien puedo compartir un piso (o similar) Estudiaré español a la Universidad de Sevilla y trabajaré en Sanlúcar la Mayor 12 horas cada semana, así que idealmente quisería...

    in Roommates Sevilla, 5 years ago
  • Roommate

    26 y/o from the north of England looking for flatmates

    I will arrive in Seville towards the end of September and am looking for fun, sociable people to share a flat/house with.  I will be studying Spanish part-time at US and working in Sanlúcar la Mayor in a school 12 hours p/w so ideally I would like to live towards the...

    in Roommates Sevilla, 5 years ago
  • Blog

    Ill and a little like a fish out of water

    So, it has been a while.  Firstly, my French is still awful, I have been here just under a month and I still struggle with basic phrases (not helped by my current sore throat!! The thing is by the time i have thought how to compress a phrase into a tiny sentence which...

    0 por Bethany en Erasmus tips
  • Blog

    Settling in

    Hello again or Bonjour a tous!! Since my last post not an awful lot has gone wrong, in all fairness I appear to be getting on top of this situation. (Jinx, touch wood)  I have joined a gym, which apparently doesn't have air con!! Why?! All in all though it is very...

  • Blog

    First days

    So far I have been living in Lyon, France for less than a week, 6 days to be exact. This is to be a compilation of my year partaking in the Erasmus scheme and all of what I learn in this duration. Firstly, people from Europe are exceptional at languages, with many...

  • Forum

    IDRAC Business School Erasmus 2015/2016

    Hello, this is a thread for people attending IDRAC this September and a chance to meet people online before they go. Anyone going to IDRAC Business School - Message on the thread :) 

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