Beatričė activity
Looking for a female roomate
Hello everyone. Next semester I'm studying at Yildiz Technical University. I will study politics. I'm searching for a female roomate to live. I think it's really nice place for erasmus students, because it's a house full of other erasmus :) If we live together in a...
in Roommates Istanbul, 12 years ago -
Erasmus Istanbul 2012 / 2013 (English)
Maybe there is any girl who wants to live in the double room with me at this place? Price is 450TL for each person. I think it's a really good place for erasmus students. So if u are intrested please contact me :)
por Beatričė en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
Maybe there is any girl who wants to live in the double room with me at this place? Price is 450TL for each person. I think it's a really good place for erasmus students. So if u are intrested please contact me :)
por Beatričė en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
Yildiz Technical University 2013
Maybe there is any girl who wants to live in the double room with me at this place? Price is 450TL for each person. I think it's a really good place for erasmus students. So if u are intrested please contact me :)
por Beatričė en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
I'm also intrested in these apartments. Could you tell me the price? I wrote an email but still didn't get any answer.
por Beatričė en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
Yildiz Technical University 2013
Hi everyone! I'm going to study politics at YTU spring semester 2013. I was wondering maybe someone is going there to? Maybe you are searching for a flat or roome to live? Because I heard that there are only a few spaces for erasmus in the dormitory of this university....
por Beatričė en Erasmus forum Istanbul