Bachelors in Warsaw
BachelorManagement and Artificial Intelligence
Kozminski University (KU)‣ Warsaw , Poland
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The Management and Artificial Intelligence Program is a major on the Bachelor in Management Program.
Tags: Bachelors in Warsaw, Bachelors in Kozminski University, Bachelors in Poland, Bachelors in Artificial Intelligence, Bachelors in Computer Science, Bachelors in Technology Studies,
BachelorIt Management
(WWSB)-Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu ((WWSB)-Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Biz)‣ Warsaw , Poland
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2400 €
IT systems support business management processes. There is a great demand on the labor market for specialists in the field of computer science, who have both IT and business knowledge.
Tags: Bachelors in Warsaw, Bachelors in (WWSB)-Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu, Bachelors in Poland, Bachelors in Technology Management, Bachelors in Technology Studies,
BABA Design, Commerce Design, VM, UX and E-commerce
Via Moda. Komis marki ekskluzywnej (VIAMODA)‣ Warsaw , Poland
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500 zł
VIAMODA’s innovative educational program provides students with the full-scale knowledge of the designing process, synergistic technological skills, and profound expertise in communications.
Tags: Bachelors in Warsaw, Bachelors in Via Moda. Komis marki ekskluzywnej, Bachelors in Poland, Bachelors in Commercial Design, Bachelors in Design Studies,
BachelorSocjologia Bachelor
Collegium Civitas (CC)‣ Warsaw , Poland
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Socjologia zajmuje się zjawiskami sfery publicznej, od mikroświata prywatności po systemy polityczne, społeczne, gospodarcze i kulturowe.
Tags: Bachelors in Warsaw, Bachelors in Collegium Civitas, Bachelors in Poland, Bachelors in Sociology, Bachelors in Social Science Studies, Bachelors in Social Sciences,