Aryan Saeedi
- Current city:
- Saint Petersburg
- City of birth:
- Kabul
- Host university:
- Home university:
Aryan activity
Experience in Kabul, Afghanistan by Aryan
What is it like to live in Kabul? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? First of all, I would not recommend anyone to go to Kabul. The security is very bad, anything can happen at any moment. Very few people know English. Foreigners can't go out, you would...
Catherine Palace
Catherine Palace is located in Puskinsky district of Saint Petersburg. It is 2 hours away from the heart of the city, but it is worth it. The ticket price is 5 to 7 euros. Normally, it will take you 4 to 5 hours to see the whole palace with gardens and other buildings...