Alyssa activity
Experience in Singapur by Alyssa
Source What is it like to live in Singapur? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Singapore is a diverse city with great food and many places to visit. The night life is super fun too. The only thing that ever makes me want to leave is the humidity! What is...
21 year old student looking for roommates and accommodation in Brussels
Hello! I'm Alyssa, I'm 21 this year and I'm from Singapore (: I'll be on exchange in Brussels (ULB, Solvay Business School) from September 2015-January 2016 and I'm looking for roommates and accomodation near my school. I'm a really fun, friendly...
in Roommates Brussels, 9 years ago -
Erasmus Brussels 2015 / 2016 (English)
Hello! I'm Alyssa, I'm 21 this year and I'm from Singapore (: I'll be on exchange in Brussels (ULB, Solvay Business School) from September 2015-January 2016 and I'm looking for roommates and accomodation near my school. I'm a really fun, friendly person, and I love...
por Alyssa en Erasmus forum Brussels