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Erasmus experiences Morelia

  • 9 / 10 points

    Experience in Morelia, Mexico by Jennifer

    What is it like to live in Morelia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? It's a very beautiful city and there's a lot of things to do there. Even if you do get bored of the city, you can visit nearby places, which are full of culture, like Pátzcuaro and other...

    0 , 5 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Experience in Morelia, Mexico by Eduardo

    What is it like to live in Morelia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Live in Morelia it's for me the perfect combination of the environment of an small city with the facilities of a big city. One can have a really nice experience living in there, there are...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • 7 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Morelia, Mexico by Marianne

    Why did you choose to go to Morelia, Mexico? it's a really nice mexican city.What is the student lifestyle like in Morelia? it's cheap.Would you recommend the city and the University of Morelia to other students? yesWhat is the food like? it's spicy but yummy.Did it...

    0 , 10 years ago

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