Actividad de Mathieu
Experience in West-Flanders College, Belgium by Mathieu
Generally, what is Howest University of Applied Sciences like? Sometimes it can be a bit chaotic, but generally, it has a warm feeling and you feel at home from the moment you're settled. If you plan well and go to all classes, it is a very nice place to go to and you...
Erasmus Experience in Aalborg, Denmark by Mathieu
Why did you choose to go to Aalborg, Dinamarca? I am a teacher trainee student, so I had to look where I could go for my internship. There is an international school in Aalborg (and Aalborg itself is very international as well) so this seemed like a good choice. I am...
Experience in Ostend, Belgium by Mathieu
What is it like to live in Ostende? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Ostend is a nice place to live in. It is near the beach so you can go there whenever you want or need it. Depending on where exactly you live in Ostend, there is no burden of noise or...
Experience in Kortrijk, Belgium by Mathieu
What is it like to live in Courtrai? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Kortrijk is a nice and beautiful city. It isn't big and is not extremely famous, but everyone I know who went there has fallen in love with the city. This is probably because it is a...
Experience in Ghent, Belgium by Mathieu
What is the student lifestyle like in Gante? Ghent is very well known for the student lifestyle and more specifically the party life. There is a street called Overpoort and that is the place to be if you want to party till you drop. Everyone loves to go there and I...