Zuzana Halgasova
- Current city:
- Bratislava
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
- UK
Zuzana activity
Girl, going on Erasmus+, looking for a room to rent
Hi! I am 22 years old gilr, looking for a place to stay during our Erasmus+ in Vila do Conde, Portugal. I would like to have a single bedroom. It will be perfect if the apartament is located near ESMAD. or maybe someone have an apartament and looking for...
in Roommates Vila do Conde, 5 years ago -
Erasmus Porto 2019 / 2020 (English)
Hey guys! I was chosen by my home university, to attend Erasmus+ in Porto, IPP. I was told, I have to submit an Erasmus+ application for incoming students on their website or I have to be nominated by my home university at first. Unfortunately, I am unable to find the...
por Zuzana en Erasmus forum Porto