Zaheer Anwar
- Current city:
- Islamabad
- City of birth:
- Jhang Sadar
- Host university:
- Home university:
Zaheer activity
Erasmus Experience in Turin, Italy by Zaheer
Why did you choose to go to Turin, Italy? It's old Capital of Italy which makes it rich with architecture and you get chance to visit old structures. Additionally it's located near to Alps which remain snow covered and add to it's beautyHow long is the scholarship? How...
New photos in University of Turin
gallery updated, 7 years ago -
New photos in Turin
gallery updated, 7 years ago -
I was lucky to be part of LLM international trade law from Turin School of Development Italy from Feb 2017 to June 2017. The best experience was to walk down from my apartment at Corsso Moncalairi to the campus and observe nature. The snap being shared would supplement...
Public Park
I was lucky to participate in LLM International Trade Law from ILO's Turin School of Development Italy from Feb 2017 to June 2017. The best experience was to walk down from my apartment at Corsso Moncalairi to the campus. The track was rich with natural beauty. The snap...