Xènia activity
Erasmus Cracovia 2021 / 2022 (Español)
Hola, Una amiga y yo acabamos de llegar a la ciudad. Estudiaremos todo el curso en la Jagiellonski University. Nos apetece conocer a otros estudiantes, así que si a alguien le apetece tomar algo esta tarde podeis contactar conmigo :)
por Xènia en Erasmus forum Krakow -
Erasmus Krakow 2021 / 2022 (English)
Hi! My friend Ainoa and me have just arrived in the city. We are going to study Psychology at the Jagiellonian University during the whole academic year 2021/22. We fancy meeting people from different nationalities. We are opened to hang up today and spend some time...
por Xènia en Erasmus forum Krakow -
spanish erasmus students looking for roomates 21/22
Hello!! We are two 20-year-old girls from Catalonia. We are currently studying psychology in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. My friend Ainoa and I will be living in Krakow during the whole academic year 21/22 while studying at UJ. We are looking forward to...
in Roommates Krakow, 3 years ago