Wanderley Correa da Costa JR

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flag-fr France

flag-br Wanderley Correa da Costa JR

Current city:
Campo Grande
City of birth:
Campo Grande
Host university:
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Wanderley activity

  • Job


    Hello my name is Wanderley, I'm a student at IFA PARIS (International Fashion Academy) and I need someone disposable to help me modeling to my upcycling project. I already got the photographer/film maker and everything else. The ideal is that the model has...

    in Student jobs Paris, 4 years ago
  • Roommate

    Brazilian Fashion student searching for a place.

    Hello,  My name is Wanderley Junior, I'm a brazilian fashion student who is going to study fashion at IFA Paris. I speak Portuguese and English. French I'm still learning, I  understand the writing but I can't speak very well. I'm looking for something inside Paris or...

    in Roommates Paris, 5 years ago

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