tomas bonetti
- Current city:
- Montevideo
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- UB4
- Home university:
tomas activity
ERAMUS 23/24
Hola a todos!! Yo tmb voy a ir a Burdeos en el semestre otoño-invierno!!! Por ahora no tengo compañer de apartamento/piso. Hay grupo de wp?? Capaz podríamos ir haciendolo. Hello everyone!! I am also going to Bordeaux in the autumn-winter semester!!! At the moment...
por tomas en Erasmus forum Bordeaux -
22 y o Boy looking for roommates in Bordeaux (erasmus). For the autumn/winter semestre (sept-jan)
Are you headed to Bordeaux for your Erasmus semester, and looking for roommates to share your semester with? I'm a fellow student searching for exactly the same. A few days ago, I was informed that I have been selected by the University of Bordeaux for an exchange...
in Roommates Bordeaux, one year ago