Telma Ventura

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flag-pt Portugal
flag-gb United Kingdom

flag-pt Telma Ventura

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Telma activity

  • Experience

    Experience in Santarém, Portugal by Fernanda

    How it is to live in Santarém? Would you recommend it? How's the city? City, capital of Gothic stile in Portugal, famous for its monuments, roman alleys, gastronomy and confectionery. It is easy to live in the city, due to its accessibility, since it has a train...

  • Roommate

    Three master students looking for a flat

    Hi! I'm Telma, I'm 24 years old and I'm in Edinburgh to do my master thesis along with my friends Catarina and Matteo. We are two Portuguese girls and an Italian guy and we are staying for a full year minimum. We are clean and tidy for sure, that enjoy sociable moments...

    in Roommates Edinburgh, 7 years ago

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