Stefania Arito

Following these cities

flag-it Italy
flag-fr France

Following these universities

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Stefania activity

  • Experience

    Erasmus a Vannes (Francia)

    Ciao a tutti , mi chiamo Stefania e vorrei condividere la mia bellissima esperienza Erasmus nella città di Vanne all'università Breagne.Sud. Nell'aprile 2014, anno scorso, ho saputo che sarei andata in Erasmus in questa piccolissima città, 50mila abitanti,  della...

  • Forum

    Information about Vannes. Please help.

    Hi!! Thanks for the information about Vannes :) I hope to enjoy!! i'm going to study at UBS , ( facoultè de droit , economie et gestion )  I will arrive in Vannes on Agoust ( 25 /08/2014) , completely Alone! I'm looking for an accommodation , but i don't know if to...

  • Forum

    Information about Vannes. Please help.

    HI, guy! i'm an italian student and mybe i'll go to Vannes for my Erasmus.  i don't know french and I would information about life student in the city. Are there any erasmus students?  what about the university? Is it good?  Is worth an erasmus in Vannes?  Thanks...

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