Simone Acquaviva

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Simone activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Madrid 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hola. Soy un estudiante italiano y voy a madrid de febrero a julio. Busco un piso. Alguien puede ayudarme? Gracias. Hi I'm italian student. I'm looking for a flat from february to july. Anyone can help me? Thanks ;D

  • Forum

    Erasmus Madrid 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hi Melia :D You'll study at History and Geography facoulty ? In that case me too :D Simone.

  • Forum

    comienzo de clases

    Non credo ci siano "residencia" per studenti, credo che devi trovare casa ed a Roma sono molto care (expensive). Per i corsi d'italiano abbiamo dei corsi gratuiti al cla ( centro linguistico di ateneo) che è vicino all'università. Per il corso di giornalismo ti hanno...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Roma 2012 / 2013 (Español)

    Hi everybody, I'm Simone and I study political science in Roma 3 and I will come to study in Madrid in 2nd semester of 2012/13 year at UCM History and Geografy facoulty. If any one needs information about my university and my facoulty or could give me information about...

  • Forum

    comienzo de clases

    Hola, soy un estudiante italiano de roma 3, te hablo en ingles porque no hablo muy bien espanol. Classes starts between last week of september and second week of october depends of the facoulty, which facoulty are you? I study in roma 3, political science and in 2nd...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Madrid 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hola a todos/ Hi guys. Iìm Italian guy. I'll come to study in UCM, facoulty of History and Geography (I study political science here in Italy), in 2nd semester. Everyone will come in 2nd semester? Thanks guys :D

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