Silvia Martin

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Silvia activity

  • Roommate

    Looking for two roomates to share appartment!

    Hi! My name is Silvia and I will study at Bologna the whole year. I already have an appartment but there is still a room with double bed (shared room) which is available. The appartment is in the city centre, next to the station, so it is very well located for all the...

    in Roommates Bologna, 5 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Bolonia 2019 / 2020 (Español)

    Hola! Soy Silvia y estudio Biotecnología en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. El año que viene haré mi cuarto curso en Bolonia (estaré 9-10 meses) así que estoy buscando compañeros de piso para vivir esta experiencia juntos! Me gusta leer, pintar, la montaña...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Bologna 2019 / 2020 (English)

    Hi! My name is Silvia, I am from Spain. I am a Biotechonology student and I will be doing my fourth and last year there in Bologna. I am staying 9-10 months, so I need flatmates to share this experience! I like reading, painting and going to the mountain and travel, so...

  • Roommate

    Chica de 21 años busca compañer@s de piso en Bolonia :)

    Hi! My name is SIlvia and I am 21. I study Biotechonology at UPM in Madrid and next year I am moving to Bolonia to finish my last year. I am so excited!  I look for roomates to share this experience with me. I am clean and respectuful and I like to wake up early to...

    in Roommates Bologna, 5 years ago

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