Serena Bono

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flag-ch Switzerland

flag-it Serena Bono

Current city:
City of birth:
Host university:
ETH Zurich
Home university:

Serena activity

  • Experience

    Second year of university in China

    I spent my second year of university as a double degree student in China. My school, Tongji University, was one of Shanghai top universities. I went there as a student in Electronical Engineering with some classmates on mine.The school campus was amazing, I could...

  • Roommate

    I'm a 22 years old girl loooking for accomodation in Zurich

    Hi, my name is Serena and I've just graduated from Politecnico of Turin in Computer Engineering. Next year I'm going to attend ETH Zurich in Robotics, Systems and Controls! I'm an energetic girl, I love classical music, singing, hanging out with friends and programming....

    in Roommates Zurich, 4 years ago

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