Sei Bei
- Current city:
- Usti nad Labem
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
Sei activity
Erasmus Ústí nad Labem 2015 / 2016 (Español)
Hóla, Please, If you wanna have a buddy, who will help you with arriving, dormitory, etc is important to register here , after ESN will assign buddy. I can say, that buddy is really important for you especially at the beginning, almost nobody speak english even...
por Sei en Erasmus forum Usti nad Labem -
Erasmus Ústí nad Labem 2015 / 2016 (Español)
Hóla todos, If you have any questions you can write here, but please in english - it´s not common to speak spanish in Czech haha. Don´t worry about anything, at Univerzity Jana Evengelisty Purkyně works ESN Usti - (Erasmus exchange network), which are going to help...
por Sei en Erasmus forum Usti nad Labem -
two girls from Czech republic, who are seeking an accommodation in Malaga near to Teatinos.
Hello there, We are two girls from Czech republic. Me and Gabi study at Faculty of education, leisure activities. We love travelling, get to know a new culture and foreginers, learning new habits and languages.We are openmind, flexible, responsible. At home University...
in Roommates Malaga, 9 years ago