Seher Güneş

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flag-pl Poland

flag- Seher Güneş

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Seher activity

  • Experience

    Erasmus Experience in Poznan, Poland by Seher

    Why did you choose to go to Poznan, Poland? Lots of my friends advised me to come hereHow long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? 3 months It is enough to live in Poznan but not enough for travellingWhat is the student...

  • Roommate

    A girl who is looking for accommodation in Poznan

    Helloooo!!!! This is Seher from Turkey. I will be in Poznan from 17th August to 10th December. I am looking for accommodation until that day. I get on very well with all people. I am an outgoing person. So, 4 person in a room is also okay for me. The dorms are my...

    in Roommates Poznan, 5 years ago

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