Sara Vicidomini

flag- Sara Vicidomini

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Sara activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Badajoz 2013 / 2014 (English)

    Hello! I'm Sara from University of Salerno,Italy! I'll go to Badajoz in september, and I need some information for all!! per le ragazze italiane,se vi va teniamoci in contatto anche su fb,magari ci organizziamo insieme,ho bisogno di compagnia,parto da sola da qui,anche...

  • Forum

    erasmus badajoz

    Hello!! I'm italian student from Università degli studi di salerno! I''ll go to Badajoz in September. I need some information about accomodation. there are other italian students that go to Badajoz in September? I want to know any italian girls from other italian...

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