Sara activity
Looking for accommodation and flatmates in Braga (Feb/Jul)
Hi everyone! I'm Sara, I'm 23 year old and I am a psychology student in Padova (Italy). I am going to come in Braga on February for 6 months. Me and a friend of mine are searching for a flat and some new international flatmates. We are two kind girls and we have...
in Roommates Braga, 3 years ago -
Erasmus Braga 2021 / 2022 (Español)
Hi I am Sara (23), I'm from Italy and I am a master student in psychology. I am going to arrive in Braga at February for 6 months and I would like to know someone to share an apartment with. If you are searching for one homemeates write me please.Sara
por Sara en Erasmus forum Braga