Sam Courtney-Guy

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Sam activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Nanterre 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hi all, I'm from London, though currently at Durham University, in the UK. I'm coming to do a full year at Paris Ouest Nanterre, doing mainly Philosophy but probably a bit of languages or economics too. I have two other roommates to live with already but if you are...

  • Roommate

    Apartment/colocation in Paris wanted for 3 students

    We are three students - one French, one British & one Korean - aged 20-22, all  responsible and tidy. We are attending universities in Paris for the coming academic year (Sciences Po, Dauphine & Paris Ouest Nanterre) and are searching for accommodation in any...

    in Roommates Paris, 10 years ago

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