rohit jain

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flag-gb United Kingdom
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New Delhi

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New Delhi
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rohit activity

  • Roommate

    student in cardiff looking for a home for rent

    Hii  this is rohit. I am studying in Cardiff university in uk. I need a accommodation with a room mate who is adjustable. Anyone who is interested can contact me.I have done my mechanical engineering from bits pilani dubai campus.I like to do clubbing and go out with...

    in Roommates Cardiff, 11 years ago
  • Roommate

    student in cardiff looking for a home for rent

    Hii  this is rohit. I am studying in Cardiff university in uk. I need a accommodation with a room mate who is adjustable. Anyone who is interested can contact me.I have done my mechanical engineering from bits pilani dubai campus.I like to do clubbing and go out with...

    in Roommates Cardiff, 11 years ago
  • Roommate

    student in cardiff looking for a home for rent

    Hii  this is rohit. I am studying in Cardiff university in uk. I need a accommodation with a room mate who is adjustable. Anyone who is interested can contact me.I have done my mechanical engineering from bits pilani dubai campus.I like to do clubbing and go out with...

    in Roommates Cardiff, 11 years ago

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