Rebecka activity
Student needs a home during spring 2015
Hi everyone! I´m Rebecka, 25 year old from Stockhom (Sweden) and I'm arriving in Madrid the 18th of January to study spanish, business and management at UC3M until the 30th of June. I´m looking for a room in a shared flat in the middle of the city near Sol, one wish I...
in Roommates Madrid, 10 years ago -
Student seeking shared flat for spring semester 2015
Hi everyone! I´m Rebecka, 25 year old from Stockhom (Sweden) and I´m planning to move to Madrid during the spring semester 2015 to study spanish, business and management at UC3M. I´m looking for a room in a shared flat in the city, one wish I have is access to a pool...
in Roommates Madrid, 10 years ago -
Erasmus Madrid 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hi everyone! I´m Rebecka, 25 year old from Stockholm (Sweden) and I´m planning to move to Madrid during the spring semester to study spanish, business and management. I´m looking for accommodation and friends!
por Rebecka en Erasmus forum Madrid