Pol Hulsbus

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flag-kr Korea, South

flag-es Pol Hulsbus

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Pol activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Seúl 2020 / 2021 (Español)

    Hola, soy Pol de Barcelona y estaré en Seúl el segundo cuatri (Febrero 2021). Estoy en el último curso de biotecnologia, y busco gente con quien compartir piso. Si alguien se anima a hacer una birra para conocernos, obviamente me apunto!

  • Forum

    Erasmus Seoul 2020 / 2021 (English)

    Hi! I'm Pol, and I'll be studying Biotech (4th yr) in Seoul next Spring. I'm 21, looking for roommates!

  • Roommate

    21-year-old student looking for roommates

    Hi! I'm looking for a place to stay in Seoul as I'm moving next Spring (Feb 2021). I don't care much about the place as long as it's clean and near the fun stuff. As for communication, I speak fluent English and Spanish (still working on my Korean).  Whether you are a...

    in Roommates Seoul, 4 years ago
  • Roommate

    20 year old student looking for roommates in Seoul

    I'm Pol, a biotech student from Barcelona really keen on travelling. I'm a big fan of japanese and korean culture, so I'd really like to get a ferry to Japan during the stay in Korea. I speak English and Spanish fluently so there will be no problem with communication....

    in Roommates Seoul, 5 years ago
  • Roommate

    20 year old student looking for roommates in Seoul

    I'm Pol, a biotech student from Barcelona really keen on travelling. I'm a big fan of japanese and korean culture, so I'd really like to get a ferry to Japan during the stay in Korea. I speak English and Spanish fluently so there will be no problem with communication....

    in Roommates Barcelona, 5 years ago
  • Roommate

    Estudiante de 20 años busca alojamiento en Seúl

    Me llamo Pol, soy un estudiante universitario de 20 años con ganas de ver mundo y de fiesta. Nací y vivo en Barcelona (l'Eixample), estudio Biotecnología en la UAB y tengo muchas ganas de acabar la carrera. Como podéis suponer por el destino, soy un poco fan de las...

    in Roommates Seoul, 5 years ago

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