Pau activity
Experience in Lleida, Spain by Pau
What is it like to live in Lleida? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Lleida is not one of the most touristic cities in Catalonia and neither is one of the biggest, but that's what makes it a special place to study. Everything is close and you can go walking...
20 year old student looking for accommodation in Viikki Campus, University of Helsinki
Hi! My name is Pau and I'm a 20 year old exchange student from Spain at the University of Helsinki for the whole academic year (2019-2020). I am looking for accommodation in Viikki Campus. I am clean, easy-going and openminded. If someone is interested in sharing an...
in Roommates Helsinki, 5 years ago -
Erasmus Helsinki 2019 / 2020 (Español)
Hola! Me llamo Pau y estudio biotecnología en la Universitat de Lleida. Voy a estar de erasmus todo el curso en la U.Helsinki, en el Viikki Campus. Me gustaría conocer a gente de la misma zona. Nos vemos!!
por Pau en Erasmus forum Helsinki