Olivia T

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Roommates Olivia

  • 19 year old girl looking for a flat mate

    I am a Swedish dentistry student at la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and I am looking for a flat mate. It is a 2 bedroom apartment on a lively but cozy street in Gràcia, has 1 bathroom and a balcony. It is a 10 minute walk from Gràcia station, 7mins from two...

    4 years ago
  • 18 year old girl, looking for roommates and accommodation in Barcelona Sept.1-Dec.31

    Hi, I am a Swedish girl looking to share an accommodation with one or two people in Barcelona. I will be starting my first year of Dentistry at la Universitat International de Cataluña and would like to find a place to live from around September 5th 2019 to sometime in...

    5 years ago

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