Nima Abdul Latiff

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flag- Nima Abdul Latiff

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Nima activity

  • Roommate

    Portsmouth Accomodation 2020

    Hello! My friend and I are looking for two house mates (girls only) for the next academic year of 2020. We are currently on our placement so we are aiming to look for a four bedroom house next year with 2 other people. If you are interested to join us/have any...

    in Roommates Portsmouth, 5 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Charleroi 2019 / 2020 (English)

    Hello! I am currently doing a placement here for a couple of months. I am settling in Charleroi. However, I am looking for friends to get to know as I do not know many people situated in the city. It would be great if we could be in contact (even better if you speak...

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