Mutia Wardhani
- Current city:
- Malang
- City of birth:
- Yogyakarta
- Host university:
- UM
- Home university:
Mutia activity
Experience in Malang, Indonesia by Mutia
What is it like to live in Malang? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Malang has unpredictable weather because malang is located below the mountains. Sometime it's hot and cold and rainWhat is the student lifestyle like in Malang? The students here like to...
4 girls looking for accomodation in murcia in one house with four bedrooms
We are a group of 4 girls. we are looking for a place with 4 bedrooms near in central of murcia. we want a place that closes to bus station, tram, groceries store. we kinda need it in september. if there is a place, maybe we will try to rent it for a month. but if we...
in Roommates Murcia, 6 years ago