Monique Reitsma
- Current city:
- Leeuwarden
- City of birth:
- Sneek
- Host university:
- UA
- Home university:
Monique activity
19 year old girl from Holland, looking for accommodation in Alicante
Hello! My name is Monique and I am looking for an accommodation in the city centre of Alicante. I am looking for a place with international roommates (Erasmus students) I am an outgoing person who loves to go out with friends, go to the cinema, read books and to chill...
in Roommates Alicante, 9 years ago -
Erasmus Alicante 2015 / 2016 (English)
Hi, I am Monique from the Netherlands (19 years old). I am going to study in Alicante from September until January. I am studying International Business and Languages and I am still looking for a place to stay in the centre of the city. I am also looking for Erasmus...
por Monique en Erasmus forum Alicante