Momo Verdier

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flag-fr France

flag-fr Momo Verdier

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Momo activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Poznań 2012 / 2013 (Español)

    Hola todos, soy morgan un estudiante frances de lille y voy a llegar en poznan en febrero! hablo un poco de espanol pero soy mejor en ingles:)soy buscando un piso compartido con la gente erasmus porque pienso que es la mejor manera para apprender las idiomas, conoscer...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Poznan 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hello Hola todos!i'm morgan a french student from lille, i will come to poznan in fabruary 2013. I'm looking for a flat shared by others erasmus as we can spend an amazing year together!Good vibes, party, music, friendship, sport.. thats my life!dont hesitate to contact...

  • Roommate

    Morgan, french student in erasmus looking for a flat

    Hey people, im looking for a flat in poznan. i would like to find a flat shared by erasmus people so we can have party and spend an amazing year in polanddd ! :) me? i like to enjoy life, make friendship, do party, listenning music, have a beer a wednesday with my...

    in Roommates Poznan, 12 years ago

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