Mohammad Javad Mardan

flag-cy Mohammad Javad Mardan

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Mohammad Javad activity

  • Job

    sales person

    IELTS Mix Academy is the name of a group that was established with the aim of teaching English and helping applicants to participate in the IELTS exam in 2013. This group operates based on the knowledge and experience of many years of experienced professors in the field...

    in Student jobs Kyrenia, 24 days ago
  • Roommate

    Looking for roommate in Kyrenia in a luxury complex with swimming pool

    Take it easy at this unique and tranquil g1 bedroom of a 2-bedroom apartment in one of the most luxury complex in Kyrenia with swimming pool and bar.close to city center and beachI am an English teacher and while you are staying here we can enjoy language exchange.also...

    in Roommates Kyrenia, 24 days ago

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