Matija Smrečnik

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flag-fr France
flag-cz Czech Republic
flag-si Slovenia

flag-si Matija Smrečnik

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Matija activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Prague 2016 / 2017 (English)

    Hey, everyone! I'm coming to Prague this November for a medical internship at the 1st faculty of medicine. I come from Slovenia, which is not too far. If anyone wants to hang out, learn Czech together, explore town etc, don't hesitate to contact me! Cheers, Matija

  • Roommate

    medical student looking for a room

    Salut! Je suis un étudiant en médecine de la Slovénie, je vais faire un stage de 6 semaines à l'hôpital Bicêtre du 1er septembre au 15 octobre. Je suis un homme de 25 ans. Je suis très bien rangé, propre, calme, ainsi que communicative et conviviale. J'aime...

    in Roommates Paris, 8 years ago

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