Mathilde Durry

Following these programs

Following these cities

flag-ie Ireland
flag-fr France
Saint Etienne

flag-fr Mathilde Durry

Current city:
Saint Etienne
City of birth:
Saint Etienne
Host university:
Home university:

Mathilde activity

  • Forum

    Sligo 2017-2018

    Hello, we are two French students. We look for a flatmate for the school year 2017-2018. We began to look at housing but for the moment we have no it. We wish to put itself in corent with foreign people to improve us in language and to discover other cultures. We wish a...

  • Roommate

    we are two French students. We look for a flatmate

    Hello, we are two French students. We look for a flatmate for the school year 2017-2018. We began to look at housing but for the moment we have no it. We wish to put itself in corent with foreign people to improve us in language and to discover other cultures. We wish a...

    in Roommates Sligo, 7 years ago

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