Mateo Rms
- Current city:
- Toulouse
- City of birth:
- Santafé de Bogotá
- Host university:
- UE
- Home university:
Mateo activity
Easy peacy living person
Hi everybody, Time is running out and I'm sill looking for a roommate in order to rent a flat... I take this option because it's a more friendly way to share and Also because I want to improve my English with my roommate, I'm an easy living person who like music's and...
in Roommates Katowice, 6 years ago -
Looking for a roommate
Hi everybody, Time is running out and I'm sill looking for a roommate in order to rent a flat... I take this option because it's a more friendly way to share and Also because I want to improve my English with my roommate, I'm an easy living person who like music's and...
por Mateo en Erasmus forum Katowice -
Erasmus Katowice 2018 / 2019 (English)
Hi everybody, I'm looking for people fluent in inglish in order to rent a flat, In deed my main goal to this 6 month of erasmus (from mid february 2019 to mid june), is to improve my english speaking skills, I'm easy living and can get along with evrybody to be honest,...
por Mateo en Erasmus forum Katowice