Martin Raimbault

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flag-cz Czech Republic

flag-fr Martin Raimbault

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Martin activity

  • Experience

    Erasmus semester in Spain

    I am doing an erasmus semester that began in September 2021 until January 2022. The city is very small but the atmosphere is super. The erasmus group (organisation & students) is great, there are a lot of events organized. There are a lot of bars and nightclubs to...

  • Experience

    Erasmus semester in Lithuania

    I did a 5 months erasmus from January to June 2020. It was during the COVID pandemic but I had the chance to live 2 real erasmus months during the pandemic.Kaunas is not very beautiful and is small, but the people are great and the erasmus people were really great...

  • Roommate

    22 years old french student, looking for roomates in Prague

    Hello ! My name is Martin and I am French. I am going to Prague from March to August 2022 to do an internship and I am looking for people to take a flat together in the city center. I already lived 2 times in foreign countries in shared flats, so I know how to live in...

    in Roommates Prague, 3 years ago

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