Maria Guruziaga Gomez-coronado

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flag- Maria Guruziaga Gomez-coronado

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Maria activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Berlin 2015 / 2016 (English)

    Hi yetkin ! We are 22 years old two friends.We arrived to Berlin last week and we are going to stay here until December. For how much do you sell us?how much it's one?  Thanks Maria

  • Forum

    Erasmus Berlin 2015 / 2016 (English)

    Hola a todos! Somos dos amigos Vascos que hemos estudiado Marketing. Nos hemos mudado a Berlin con la intencion de aprender Aleman. Tambien nos gustaria encontrar algo para trabajar.  Estamos buscando alojamiento para pasar aqui unos mese y nos esta siendo bastante...

  • Roommate

    Buscamos piso/ Looking for an acommodation

    We are two friends and we arrived to Berlin last Monday. We are looking a flat to rent because we want to improve our German and work here for 3 months. We are from the Basque Country and we are 22. We have studied Marketing degree.  We are looking for an acommodation...

    in Roommates Berlin, 9 years ago

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