María Cruz
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María activity
21 anni studentessa che cerca coinquillino
Ciao, mi chiamo María e sono spagnola. Ho 21 anni e studio Science Politiche. Faró il prossimo corso academico 2022/2023 a Granada e sto cercando un/a coinquilino/a per fare vittà in comune, ma anche rispettando la privacy. Se avete domande potete mettervi in...
in Roommates Granada, 2 years ago -
Spanish student looking for roommate
Hii, my name is María I´m spanish and I wuold like to look for a roommate for the next academic year 2022/2023. I´m studiying Policital Science and I can speak some english and Italian and, of course, spanish if needed. If you want to know more about me or need some...
in Roommates Granada, 2 years ago -
Erasmus Granada 2022 / 2023 (English)
Hiii everyone, my name is María and I´m from Spain. I was studying political science in Italy but this next academic-year I will be in granada. I am locking for someone who wants to be my flatmate :)) If you want to ask me about social media or any doubt, send me a...
por María en Erasmus forum Granada