Maria Casals
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Maria activity
21 year old girl looking for female roommates in Reims starting end of sept 2021
Hello! I am a 21 year old Spanish girl looking for a roommate in Reims. I have just graduated from univeristy in Milan and will be starting my master in Neoma BS at the end of September. I'm looking for some female roommates to share an apartment with and also to be...
in Roommates Reims, 3 years ago -
Erasmus Milán 2019 / 2020 (Español)
holaa me llamo maria, soy de madrid y estudio en milan. Estoy buscando compañeras de piso desde septiembre 2019 hasta julio 2020.
por Maria en Erasmus forum Milan -
21 years old Spanish girl looking for roommates in Reims
Hello! I am a 21 year old Spanish girl looking for a roommate in Reims. I have just graduated from univeristy in Milan and will be starting my master in Neoma BS at the end of September. I'm looking for some female roommates to share an apartment with and also to be...
in Roommates Reims, 6 years ago