Margarida Pinheiro

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flag-pt Portugal
flag-cz Czech Republic

flag-pt Margarida Pinheiro

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Margarida activity

  • Experience

    Dobry den

    I spent my winter semester of 2017/2018 studying at the Institute of Hospitality Management (Vysoka Skola Hotelova) and I had a great experience. It cannot be the greatest school when it comes to innovation in this area, but definitely easy to pass and great food which...

  • Roommate

    Portuguese girl looking for accommodation in Prague

    Hi,  I'm moving to Prague next semester to study hospitality management in the vysoká škola hotelová v praze 8 and I'm looking for housemates that want to share a flat. I speak English and Spanish and a bit of french, so communication won't be a problem. I'm...

    in Roommates Prague, 7 years ago

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