Maarten activity
Erasmus Istanbul 2014 / 2015 (English)
Response to:The 2 Dutch Girls whom posted a search for an appartment, Ik ben Maarten, momenteel woon ik in Kadikoy en ik vertrek eind juni weer. Ik weet dat er in die periode in mijn flat veel internationale studenten vertrekken. Wellicht dat dit een optie is voor...
por Maarten en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
Erasmus Estambul 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Hola gente, Me llamo Maarten y hablo un poco Español (he estaddiado Españal para 1,5 años). Desde febrero estoy trabajando en Istanbul para un projeyecto de mi universidad y soy en Istanbul a Julio. Para el estudiantes que van a estudiar a una universidad en Asia...
por Maarten en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
Erasmus Istanbul 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hello, My name is Maarten and I've just arrived two weeks ago in Istanbul (Asian side). I'm looking for some friends to hang out with, drink beers etc. If you are looking for that as well, contact me via f you'll find me 'maarten immink avans' See you
por Maarten en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
Erasmus Istanbul 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hello, My name is Maarten and I've just arrived two weeks ago in Istanbul (Asian side). I'm looking for some friends to hang out with, drink beers etc. If you are looking for that as well, contact me via f you'll find me 'maarten immink avans' See you
por Maarten en Erasmus forum Istanbul -
23 year old dutch student who is looking for an accomodation in Istanbul
Hello, I'm a dutch Student who is currently working at Thermaflex as an inteIrnee in Istanbul. I'm looking for an accomodation to stay, for the period from February untill the end of June. It would be a big plus if the accomodation is in the Asian side of the city,...
in Roommates Istanbul, 11 years ago -
Erasmus Istanbul 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hello, I'm a Dutch student who is currently working as an internee at Thermaflex in Istanbul. I've seen an adverstisement for a room at the following address: Aziz Mahmut Efendi Sok.. From who is this address,the location is suitable for me, but somehow I'm not able...
por Maarten en Erasmus forum Istanbul