Luna Svarrer

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flag-dk Luna Svarrer

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Luna activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Athens 2016 / 2017 (English)

    Hi guys. I'm a Dainsh journalism and sociology student and I will do an internship at the newsmedia AthensLive from Septembter until 1. of February.  I was wondering if anyone had good tips to find an apartment or a room? Or if people knew of a empty room in the...

  • Roommate

    Danish journalist student seeks friendly roommates

    I'm a Danish journalism and sociology student. This fall I will go to Athens and do an internship at AthensLive for five month. I'm very excited. I would love to have nice flatmates to drink beers and cook with. The more the merrier. I think I'm pretty easy-going and...

    in Roommates Athens, 8 years ago

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